Excoriated Acne – If you pick at it, it WILL get worse.

June 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Acne Tips, Featured

When your mother used to tell you that picking at a cut would make it worse, she wasn’t kidding. If you are still doing it to this day, however, then the chances are that you have a compulsive skin picking disorder – apparently not that uncommon in this day and age. But picking at a healed cut or spot is a big mistake. It can lead to a small scab becoming a large wound, and can very easily result in infection. The unsightly blemish that results is known as excoriated acne.

“Excoriate” means to strip the hide or skin off something. It is a word that is used figuratively as much as anything, often being used to explain the severe telling off that an unruly child might get from a parent. But it does have a literal application, and the obsessive habit of picking at our skin is an example of how excoriation is a genuine problem. Anyone can develop excoriated acne, but it is more common among women.

Excoriated acne is the result of a desire to pick, squeeze, or scratch at blemishes, even creating new blemishes in some cases. This leads to open sores which, when they scab over, are prime for picking again. It can be a very hard habit to break, sometimes only stopping when the skin ceases scabbing. At this point, what you are left with is open red sores and inflammation. This is excoriated acne, and can be very unsightly and also potentially very unhealthy.

Rolling Scars – A Rare Form of Acne Scar, But Unpleasant Nonetheless

June 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Acne Tips, Featured

Although the majority of scarring caused by acne, particularly facial breakouts, falls into the categories of ice pick or box car scarring, there are other forms of scar which can afflict the acne sufferer. One of the two other major forms of scar is the rolling scar, which is characterised by a rolling appearance, almost like a wave breaking across the skin. The skin around it will look absolutely normal, which throws the scarring into an ever clearer view. It is a form of scarring that causes discomfort and embarrassment.

It is caused when a fibrous band of tissue forms between the top layer of skin and the subcutaneous tissue as a result of weakening of the connection. These fibrous bands exert a pull on the epidermis and cause it to cling to the deeper structures of the skin. The aesthetic result of this pull is that some of the skin appears sunken while that around it is where it would usually be. This creates the familiar, wave-like appearance which, when moving, appears to be as the name would suggest, rolling across the skin.

In order to get rid of rolling scars on the skin, the most popular method of surgery is called subcision. This name comes from the Latin terms “Sub”, meaning underneath and “incisio”, meaning to cut. The practice of subcision involves cutting underneath the skin’s surface and inserting a needle which is used to cut out the fibrous tissue that his holding down the top layer of skin when this is done, the epidermis is freed and able to move independently.

Prevention is better than cure

June 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Acne Facts, Featured

It is difficult to find a commercial product that will cure acne or even clear it up for a prolonged period. If you can prevent acne from growing on your skin in the first place, this is a far more effective way of dealing with the issue. There are numerous things you can do to aid this, and some of the most effective of these are as follows:

  • Wash your face twice a day. Do not scrub, and do not use a harsh cleanser. These practices will simply cause your acne to get worse instead of better.
  • Wash towels and pillowcases regularly. These can harbor bacteria and are regularly close to your skin.
  • Get regular exercise. This increases blood circulation and allows your skin to get a regular supply of oxygen. This is a doubly good way to prevent acne, as it is a stress reliever.
  • After the exercise, take a shower. Sweat is one of the major causes of grime which can get trapped in pores and cause acne
  • Keep your hair clean and away from your face, especially while you are sleeping. The hair catches all manner of grime simply by being so dense, and also has its own natural oil supply. For the same reason, try to avoid using gels which will replicate the oils you are trying to minimise around your face.
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps detoxify the body and hydrates the skin, which allows dead skin to fall away and be replaced by smooth, blemish-free skin.